G展 EXHIBITION 2015.10.30 FRI - 11.4 WED at Tokyo Midtown


2015年度グッドデザイン賞受賞展「GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015(G展)」は、10月30日(金)から11月4日(水)まで東京ミッドタウンにて開催し、無事終了いたしました。会期中総来場者数は、のべ274,730人※となりました。多数のご来場を賜り、誠にありがとうございました。

10月30日(金)13:00 ~ 20:00 晴れ45,117人
10月31日(土)11:00 ~ 20:00 曇り50,268人
11月1日(日)11:00 ~ 20:00 晴れ46,365人
11月2日(月)11:00 ~ 20:00 雨のち曇り37,924人
11月3日(火・祝)11:00 ~ 20:00 晴れ54,479人
11月4日(水)11:00 ~ 20:00 晴れ40,577人

※GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015(G展)のG1、G3会場(有料エリア)およびG2、G4、G5、G6(無料エリア)への総来場者数。日本デザイン振興会調べ。


GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015 [ 2015年度グッドデザイン受賞展 ]

【DATE & TIME】10.30 FRI - 11.4 WED 11:00 -20:00(初日13:00より/最終日17:30まで/入場は閉館30分前まで Opening day : from 13:00 / Final day : until 17:30)【VENUE】東京ミッドタウン Tokyo Midtown【ADMISSION】1,000yen(税込/一部入場料が不要なエリア有)
[主  催]公益財団法人 日本デザイン振興会
[後  援]経済産業省/中小企業庁/東京都/日本商工会議所/日本貿易振興機構(JETRO)/
[企画制作]株式会社アサツー ディ・ケイ [CD]田中淳一(POPS) [AD]池田泰幸(株式会社サン・アド) [施工]株式会社乃村工藝社

[ORGANIZER] Japan Institute of Design Promotion
[SUPPORTERS] Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Small and Medium Enterprise Agency, Tokyo Metropolitan Government, Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), the ASEAN-Japan Centre, NHK (Japan Broadcasting Corporation), Nikkei Inc., and Yomiuri Shimbun Corporation
[SUPERVISOR] Kazufumi Nagai (2015 chairman), Fumie Shibata (2015 vice chairman)
[PLANNING & PRODUCTION] ASATSU-DK INC. [CD] Junichi Tanaka (POPS) [AD] Yasuyuki Ikeda (SUN-AD Company Limited) [CONTRACTOR] NOMURA Co., Ltd.



“GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION” is the international event where visitors discover design trends through works of companies and designers. About 1,000 works from different categories including the winners of the latest GOOD DESIGN AWARD are displayed. Each “Good Design” were designed with the purpose of solving a specific issue in mind. Each of the Good Designs’ backgrounds deal with the possibilities that are discovered from solving the previously mentioned issues. We would like you to take time to experience, encounter and understand the backgrounds of the Good Designs. There will also be presentations by GOOD DESIGN BEST 100 awarded designers. Through these presentations and exhibitions we will convey the power of design.


GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015(G展)は、最も新しいデザインと出会える場所です。身近な日用品から、なかなか目にすることのない専門的なプロダクト、建築、地域で取り組まれているプロジェクトや先端的な研究成果まで、今年グッドデザイン賞に輝いたすべての取り組みが紹介されています。今年はさらに、新たに着手した「フォーカス・イシュー」にもご注目ください。社会のさまざまな課題に対するデザインからの提言であると同時に、これからの暮らしや産業をより良く導いていくためにデザインには何ができるか?という問いかけでもあります。グッドデザインエキシビションで、それぞれのデザインの魅力を楽しんでいただくとともに、ひとつひとつのデザインに込められた想いや社会や暮らしをかたちづくるデザインの可能性をぜひ感じてください。

審査委員長 永井 一史
審査副委員長 柴田 文江

Welcome to the GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015

New award-winning design awaits you at GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015. See all the outstanding entries, from everyday items to unusual products used by professionals in many fields. You can also learn about outstanding new architecture, compelling re-gional projects and results of advanced research.
A new feature of this year’s exhibition that deserves attention is our special focus on key issues. Called Focused Issues, the topics show how designers are responding to a variety of social issues. They ask us to consider how good design can provide better al-ternatives in everyday life and across the industrial landscape in the future.
The GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2015 invites you to enjoy what makes skillful design so fasci-nating, appreciate the vision of each designer and see the potential of good design in shaping the future.

Chairman, Kazufumi Nagai
Vice Chairman, Fumie Shibata


  1. AXIS
  2. カースタイリング
  3. 「KENCHIKU」新聞
  4. JDN (Japan Design Net) / 登竜門
  5. ブレーン
  6. designboom
  8. 設計
  9. 天下雑誌






JDN (Japan Design Net) / 登竜門


ブレーン / BRAIN



The milan-based digital publication is the world's popular of its kind:established in early 1999, Designboom is the first cultural online magazine for architecture and design news, with over 4 million readers monthly.It delivers fresh information daily, to an international audience of professionals and design enthusiasts and hosts an impressive archive of over 40,000 articles.

Yanko Design

Yanko Design is a web magazine dedicated to introducing the best modern international design. We are a medium where form and function meet to create art, used by people everyday. The go-to place for design advocates, influencers, early adopter, all of who revere our carefully curated editorials. Strong visual connect & live coverage tie in the purpose of Form Beyond Function.

設計(中国)/ Design (China)

DESIGN is a national magazine in Chinese industrial design field:established in early 1988.It is supervised by CIDA (China Industrial Design Association) and managed by the China Association for Science and Technology. New editor team is committed to creating a top, comprehensive and professional design media which cross over products, space, architecture, fashion and other areas.

Common Wealth Magazine(Taiwan)

For over 30years, Common Wealth Magazine has stood as Taiwan’s most influential business publication.Known for its solid, sober reporting and crisp, accessible style, CommonWealth Magazine gives Taiwan’s entrepreneurs and decision-makers the insight they need to keep ahead.With a current circulation of 100,000, it is Taiwan’s most respected publication on economics, politics, and current events.