Outline of GOOD DESIGN AWARD winners

2015|Types of Awards

The Good Design Award consists of the “Good Design Award” and the “Good Design Special Awards” selected from all award winning objects.
The organizer presents the Good Design Award to items recognized as excellent designs from all screened items, and selects 100 items with superior designs as the “GOOD DESIGN BEST 100” from the items winning the Good Design Award.
The Good Design Special Awards consist of the “Good Design Gold Award” selected by the Judging Committee, the “Good Design Award of Small and Medium Enterprises”, the “Good Design Award of the Chamber of Commerce and Industry”, the “Design for the Future Award”, and the “Good Design Grand Award” selected by the judges and the Good Design Award recipients, etc. These special awards are selected from the items awarded the GOOD DESIGN BEST 100.

Good Design Award

This award commends designs recognized as excellent designs that improve the quality of life, industry, and society among all screened items.

Special Award

This award commends designs recognized as designs that further develop life, industry, and society as well as inspire the future among all award winning objects.

  • Good Design Gold Award
    This award commends exceptional designs from all the objects winning the Good Design Award in 2015.
  • Good Design Award of Small and Medium Enterprises
    This award commends exceptional designs from all the objects winning the Good Design Award of Small and Medium Enterprises in 2015.
  • Good Design Award of the Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
    This award commends designs that contribute to development of the economy and society of Japan, such as the realization of comfortable and affluent lives of people, revitalization of the regional economy, promotion of the general welfare, etc., from all the objects winning the Good Design Award in 2015.
  • Design for the Future Award
    This award commends designs recognized as designs that will establish the foundation for the future from all the objects winning the Good Design Award in 2015.
  • Special Award from the Chairman of JDP
    It commends designs working on the reconstruction of the Great East Japan Earthquake disaster area.

Award selected by the judges and the Good Design Award recipients, etc.

  • Good Design Grand Award
    This award commends a design recognized as the most excellent design from all the objects winning the Good Design Award in 2015. The Grand Award is selected by the judges for the Good Design Award 2015 and the Good Design Award recipients, etc.