Outline of GOOD DESIGN AWARD winners

2016 | Types of Awards

Types of Awards

The Good Design Award consists of the "Good Design Award" and the "Good Design Special Awards" selected from all award winning objects. The organizer presents the Good Design Award to items recognized as excellent designs from all screened items, and selects 100 items with superior designs as the "GOOD DESIGN BEST 100" from the items winning the Good Design Award. The Good Design Special Awards consist of the "Good Design Gold Award" selected by the Judging Committee, the Good Design Special Award [Design of Production Development], the Good Design Special Award [Design for Community Development], the Good Design Special Award [Design for the Future], the Good Design Special Award [Disaster Recovery Design], and the "Good Design Grand Award" selected by the judges and the Good Design Award recipients, etc. New Special Awards other than those shown below may be established as well.

Good Design Award

This award commends designs recognized as excellent designs that improve the quality of life, industry, and society among all screened items.

Special Award

This award commends designs recognized as designs that further develop life, industry, and society as well as inspire the future among all award winning objects.

(Chosen by judges, Good Design award winners, and others)

  • Good Design Grand Award
    This award is presented to the most outstanding design chosen from among all award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.

(Chosen by the Judging Committee)

  • Good Design Gold Award
    This award is presented to particularly outstanding designs chosen from among all award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.
  • Good Design Special Award [Design of Production Development]
    This award is presented to particularly outstanding designs for the manufacturing or information/service industries chosen from among all small and medium-sized enterprises' award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.
  • Good Design Special Award [Design for Community Development]
    This award is presented to designs expected to make particular contributions to the development of Japan's economy through stimulating local economies, chosen from among all award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.
  • Good Design Special Award [Design for the Future]
    This award is presented to particularly advanced designs expected to contribute to the creation of new businesses or industries, chosen from among all award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.
  • Good Design Special Award [Disaster Recovery Design]
    This award is presented to outstanding designs expected to contribute to recovery from the Great East Japan Earthquake, chosen from among all award winning objects of the 2016 Good Design Awards.