Outline of Good Design Award winners

2017 | Members Profile

Shunsuke Aoki

Shunsuke Aoki

Robot Creator | CEO, Yukai Engineering Inc.

While studying at the University of Tokyo, founded teamLab Inc. where he assumed the post of CTO. After serving as CTO at pixiv Inc., he founded the robotics venture company, Yukai Engineering Inc. Has developed many IoT products including the social robot, "Coconatch," and the physical computing toolkit, "konashi." The communication robot he developed, "BOCCO," that brings your loved ones closer, was released in 2014.

Kazuhiro Aoyama

Kazuhiro Aoyama

System Engineering Researcher (Doctor of Engineering) | Professor, The University of Tokyo

He was inspired by the culture of manufacturing in his home town, Toyota City, Aichi. He also experienced the development of a system for design and production support of ships through collaboration between the university and industry. Utilizing these experiences, he engages in design in the manufacturing industry, decision-making relating to production, and management research. Through specific themes such as designing a line of products, discovery of the trade-off points, and management of changes in customer requests, he is trying to develop new system design and management methods in the System of Systems (SoS) era.

Shigenori Asakura

Shigenori Asakura

Industrial Designer | President, GK Industrial Design Inc.

After graduating from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda University, he left for the US and after graduating from the Art Center College of Design, he entered GK Inc. With the principle "Designing for Authentic Ideas, Aesthetic Forms and Empathic Relations", he is active in the areas of industrial equipment, products for the public domain, and consumer products. He has received many awards including the Good Design Grand Award, iF Award, Red Dot Award, and IDEA Award.

Yoshihide Asako

Yoshihide Asako

Architect / Designer | President, takaban studio

Born in 1972 in Kobe City. After working at an architectural and interior design office, he coestablished contectures, LLC. (currently Genron Co., Ltd.) with Hiroki Azuma in 2010 and left after publishing Shisouchizu Beta vol. 1 and vol. 2. Conducts research on cities through commercial spaces, gives critiques on cities, and designs cities. Wrote "Tokyo Interior Tour" (coauthored with Ryoko Ando). His main study is the "Interior Design of COMME des GARCONS" (published in "Shisouchizu Beta" Vol. 1). His main piece of work is "gray". He won the highest award for the construction designer selection proposal of Hachinohe City's new Art Museum.

Takashi Ashitomi

Takashi Ashitomi

Product Designer | President, SAAT DESIGN Inc.

After working at Sony Design Center, Takashi Ashitomi established SAAT DESIGN INC. in 1991. He has been a Professor of Product Design at Tama Art University in the Department of Product and Textile Design since 2008. He is involved in comprehensive design approaches including design development of electronic products such as information technology devices and home electronic appliances, local industry development, and design education.

Yoko Ando

Yoko Ando

Textile coordinator and Designer | Representative, Yoko Ando Design

Graduated from Musashino Art University Junior College of Art and Design. After working at Nuno Corporation, established Yoko Ando Design in 2011.
Provides textiles for public facilities, private residences, etc. designed by many architects. In recent years, she also undertakes textile design for the National Taichung Theater designed by Toyo Ito, etc. Also participated in Theater Company ARICA, in charge of costumes.
Wrote ""The Textiles of Yoko Ando: Weaving Spaces and Structures"" (published by LIXIL).

Taro Igarashi

Taro Igarashi

Architectural Critic | Professor, Graduate School of Engineering, Tohoku University

Artistic Director of international exhibition“AICHI TRIENNALE 2013”, Commissioner of Japanese pavilion VENICE ARCHITECTURE BIENNALE 2008, Supervisor of touring exhibition “LEGENDARY HOUSES IN POSTWAR JAPAN” 2014-2015, Guest Curator of touring exhibition “ARCHITECTURE SINCE 3.11”, Minister of Education Award for Arts ,Author of ”What I thought during walk around disaster area”,“Essays on Contemporary architects“

Hisae Igarashi

Hisae Igarashi

Interior Designer | President, Igarashi Design Studio

Born in Tokyo. Graduated from the Interior and Housing Research Department, Kuwasawa Design School. Worked for Kuramata Design Office from 1986 to 1991. Established Igarashi Design Studio in 1993. With a focus on spatial design, engaged in a wide range of design work, including product development projects for furniture, interior decorating and children's play equipment. Professor at the Department of Scenography, Display and Fashion Design, Musashino Art University.

Minako Ikeda

Minako Ikeda

Editor | Associate Professor, Faculty Of Design, Kyushu University

After her studies of Art History at the Johann-Wolfgang Goethe University in Frankfurt, Germany and graduation from the Tokyo University of the Arts she worked several years as editor at Nikkei Design, Tokyo. Since 2003 she teaches as Associate Professor at Kyushu University, Fukuoka. She is one of the founding members of IIDj, Institute for Information Design Japan.

Nanako Ishido

Nanako Ishido

Digital Ehon Artist | President , CANVAS / CEO, Digital ehon / Associate Professor, Keio University

After graduating the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo and conducting research as a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Media Lab, she established NPO CANVAS, which promotes creative and expressive activities for children. She founded Digital ehon, a company that develops picture book apps. She is also a member of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. Her publications include "Switch of Children's Creativety – a practice of CANVAS as a secret base of play and learning" and "A manifesto of Digital Education –the future of children playing and learning with smartphone".

Kaori Ito

Kaori Ito

Urbanism Researcher | Professor, Department of Architecture, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science

Born in Tokyo. Graduated from the University of Tokyo and received PhD in engineering. After working at Center for Spatial Information Science, the University of Tokyo, she has worked at Tokyo University of Science. Her areas of specialization are urban space analysis and design. Her research interest includes the relationships between public space and public life. She leads the artist group Tokyo Picnic Club and is involved in creative projects for urban public space both internationally and domestically. She also leads Civic Pride Research Group. Her major publications include "Civic Pride" and "Civic Pride 2."

Toru Iwasa

Toru Iwasa

Creative Director | CEO, Jiyujin inc.

Born in Tokyo. In 1989 while a student at Musashino Art University, he founded a design company, and later, he became an editor. In 2000, the first magazine "JIYUJIN" was published. In 2004, he moved his office to Minami Uonuma (Niigata) from Tokyo. His lifestyle is focused on by the mass media. In 2004, He created a new style of hotel named SATOYAMA JUJO in Niigata, and he directs all space, furniture, interior design, and cuisine. SATOYAMA JUJO won Singapore Good Design Award, and his work get a high reputation as one of the GOOD DESIGN BEST 100.

Soichi Ueda

Soichi Ueda

Creative Director | Director, Think the Earth

Born in 1965. Graduated from the School of Engineering, University of Tokyo. After working at an advertising agency, he established SPACEPORT Inc. in 2000 and Think the Earth in 2001. Since then, he has kept working on creating opportunities to think about and take actions for the environment and society through communication. His main works include Earth Watch wn-1, the mobile application "live earth", publications titled One Hundred Years of Idiocy, Global Change in One Second, and Green Power Book – Renewable Energy Guide as well as a video for planetariums "A story of Biodiversity". A Visiting Professor and Lecturer at Tama Art University.

Maholo Uchida

Maholo Uchida

Curator | Division Manager, Exhibition Development Division, National Museum of Emerging Science and Innobation (Miraikan)

She started her career as a new media art curator and was appointed to Miraikan in 2002. After an year professional internship at MoMA, sent from Japanese Agency for Cultural Affairs, she moved back as a chief. She curated several exhibitions which bridge art and science, including collaborative project with domestic and global artists like Ingo Gunther, Jeff Mills, Bjork. She received MA from Media Governance from Keio University (Tokyo), MAS of Scenography from Zurich University of the Arts.

Hisato Ogata

Hisato Ogata

Design Engineer | Creative Director, takram design engineering

With takram since 2012, Hisato is an award-winning design engineer whose multidisciplinary abilities span from hardware to software and from art to science. A recipient of the Good Design Award in 2004 and the iF Product Design Award in 2005, his work has most recently received acclaim at the Media Arts Festival held by the Japanese National Agency of Cultural Affairs in 2012.

Makoto Okamoto

Makoto Okamoto

Interaction Design Researcher | Chair of the Graduate School of Systems Information Science, Professor, Department of Media Architecture, Future University Hakodate

Completed master program at University of Tsukuba in Design. Worked at FUJITSU LTD. and engaged in the development of User Interface. Currently he is a professor at Future University Hakodate from 2000. His research theme is Participatory Design and Perception Design (future body project),etc. -Member of Board of Japanese Society for the Science of Design -Member of Human-Centered Design Organization (HCD-Net) Award: Ambient 2012 Paper Award, SIGGRAPH Asia 2014 BestDemo Award

Tetsu Kataoka

Tetsu Kataoka

Product Designer | President, KATAOKA DESIGN STUDIO

After working as Chief Art Director at Sony Corporation's Creative Center, he started his own business in 2004. He established the Kataoka Design Studio, and is currently widely involved domestically and overseas in products such as electronics products, furniture, general merchandise, medical equipment, robotics, AI, etc. Received many awards including the Good Design Award, iF Product Design Gold Award, Best of the Best for the Red Dot Design Award, etc. Part-time Lecturer for the Department of Design, Nihon University College of Art. Full member of the Japan Industrial Designers' Association.

Macky KATO

Macky KATO

Ergonomics Researcher | Associate Professor, Faculty of Human Sciences, Waseda University

Graduated Waseda University. M.Eng. Ph.D. Discipline is Ergonomics and Human Factors Engineering. Primary researches are the reduction of workload and the improvement of safety in the everyday life, i.e., studies of safety for elderly people and children, studies of road safety for the bicycle and the pedestrian and so on.

Mamoru Kano

Mamoru Kano

Art Director | Executive Vice President, Professor, WOW / Miyagi University

He works on expression integrating software development with computer graphics, and is involved in visual design in different areas, including commercial videos and application development. He has released a number of experience-based design works in exhibitions and museums in and outside Japan. In recent years, he has become involved in user interface design on information equipment such as smartphones, and proactively taken part in coproduction with a manufacturer and telecommunications carrier. He is now studying the relationship between user experience and the concept of expression from a viewpoint of design and development.

Noriko Kawakami

Noriko Kawakami

Journalist | Associate Director, 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT

Entered Axis Co., Ltd. in 1986 and after working in the editorial office, started her own business in 1994. Involved with writing articles on design, while also holding lectures domestically and overseas. Associate Director of 21_21 DESIGN SIGHT since 2007. She was also concerned with planning design exhibits, including "Japanese Design Today 100"" (organized by The Japan Foundation), and in recent years she was Curatorial Advisor of Japan's official exhibit at the ""London Design Biennale 2016". Part-time Lecturer at the Kuwasawa Design School and the Nagaoka Institute of Design.

Shogo Kishino

Shogo Kishino

Art Director / Graphic Designer | President, 6D-K co.,Ltd. / Associate rofessor, Tokyo Polytechnic University

Originally from Tokyo. In 2007, established 6D Co., Ltd., a graphic design office. Mainly involved with branding, involved from graphic design to spatial information design, including the art direction and package design for "KIRIN BREWERY Owner's Club", the branding of JA Minds, the VI and sign planning for Ise's "Ebiya Shoten, Ebiya Daishokudo", the sign planning for "NEWoMan/LUMINE 0" at Shinjuku Station's South Exit, etc. Received design awards domestically and from overseas, including the Tokyo ADC, JAGDA, SDA, D&AD, Cannes, One Show, Design for Asia Award, etc.

Jin Kuramoto

Jin Kuramoto

Product Designer | Representative Director, JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO Inc.

Born in 1976 in Awaji island Japan. He joined electric company in Tokyo as product designer.In 2008 he estab-lished JIN KURAMOTO STUDIO in Tokyo, where he works in a variety of design fields, for both international and domestic clients. A lot of winning like IF Design award, Good Design award etc.

Shigeru Kobayashi

Shigeru Kobayashi

Innovation Management Researcher | Professor, Innovation Studio, Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences (IAMAS)

PhD in Media Design (Graduate School of Media Design, Keio University). He worked for a digital musical instrument company from 1993 and has been working at IAMAS since 2004. He is exploring a methodology to create innovation through the collaboration of people with diverse skills, perspectives and experiences utilizing open source hardware and digital fabrication, and is seeking appropriate rules for handling intellectual property born in the process. He has written books on physical computing and prototyping.

Mikiya Kobayashi

Mikiya Kobayashi

Designer / Creative Director | CEO, MIKIYA KOBAYASHI Inc.

Born in Tokyo, in 1981, established his own studio in 2006. Since his beginnings, Kobayashi's creation process is not focused on the way we use the object but on the sensitivity in the perception of its designs. He is always looking for a singularity in his minimalist shaping. His line is subjective because always sensitive. A lot of winning like IF DESIGN GOLD AWARD, RED DOT AWARD, Good DESIGN etc. In 2011, Opened the store "TAIYOU no SHITA." In 2016, Started own furniture brand "TAIYOU&C.”

Seiichi Saito

Seiichi Saito

Creative/Technical Director | CEO, Rhizomatiks Co., Ltd.

Born in Kanagawa in 1975, Mr. Saito began his career in New York in 2000 after graduating from Columbia University with a Master of Science degree in Advanced Architectural Design (MSAAD). Since then, he has been active in creative work at the Arnell Group, and returned to Japan upon being selected for the Echigo-Tsumari Art Triennial event. He produces works in the commercial art field which are three-dimensional and interactive while also being based on the firm grounding in logical thought that he cultivated through architecture. Mr. Saito has won numerous international awards at the 2009-2016. He currently serves as Director of Rhizomatiks Co., Ltd.,

Takashi Shigeno

Takashi Shigeno

Product Designer | Executive Director, C.Creative Inc.

Graduated from the Industrial Design Department of the Kanazawa College of Art in 1993 and entered GK Industrial Design in the same year. In charge of design development for mainly housing equipment, household appliances, information equipment, audiovisual equipment, optical products, etc. Board Member at C.Creative Inc. since 2000. Conducts product design development across various genres focused on medical and health care equipment. Won many awards including the Good Design Award and Gold winner of the iF Design Award. Part-time Lecturer at the Tama Art University since 2016.

Satoko Shinohara

Satoko Shinohara

Architect | Professor, Japan Woman's University

Shinohara explores architectural design feasibilities in actual design and field work, especially in complex housing design. In particular, she focuses on a comfortable living space for residents beyond the intention of the designer.

Fumie Shibata

Fumie Shibata

Product Designer | Representative Director, Design Studio S / Professor, Musashino Art University

After graduating from Musashino Art University, Fumie Shibata established her own design studio, Design Studio S. With a strong focus on industrial design, she is active in a wide range of areas, from designing electronics and healthcare products to acting as creative director for a hotel. She has won numerous awards, including the Mainichi Design Award, the Good Design Gold Award.

Yoshiharu Sugawara

Yoshiharu Sugawara

Designer | Executive Director, GK Design Group

Received a Bachelor of Economics and Management degree from Rikkyo University in Tokyo 1991. Studied Automotive Design at Urban Design College in Tokyo. Joined GK Dynamics Inc. staff in 1991, assigned to overseas office GK Design International Inc., resided in USA for fifteen years in development of diverse mobility design. Promoted to Vice president of GK Design International Inc, responsible for design and management of Los Angeles and Atlanta offices. Received a Red Dot Award Honorable Mention in 2013. Promoted to Executive Director of GK Design Group in 2016. Currently involved with mobility and product design development with the theme of “Art of Dynamic Motion”.

Keita Suzuki

Keita Suzuki


Born in 1982. Graduated from Tama Art University’s product design program. After his experiences at NEC Design and IWASAKI DESIGN STUDIO, Keita established PRODUCT DESIGN CENTER and the brand THE in 2012. Under his theme “steady innovation”, Keita continues to advance the history of products step by step to create new products. He participated in the Biennale Internationale Design Saint-Etienne 2015 as a guest designer. In 2016, Keita became the first Asian designer to be selected as a finalist for the HUBLOT DESIGN PRIZE 2016.

Koichi Suzuno

Koichi Suzuno


Born in 1973. Graduated from Department of Architecture, Science University of Tokyo. Completed the Master Course of Architecture, Yokohama National University. Worked at Coelacanth K&H. Worked at Kerstin Thompson Architects / Melbourne. Founded in 2004 with Shinya Kamuro, TORAFU ARCHITECTS employs a working approach based on architectural thinking. Currently lecturer at Musashino Art University, Tama Art University and Tokyo City University. Guest professor at Kyoto Seika University and Ritsumeikan University.

Manabu Tago

Manabu Tago

Art Director / Designer | Representative, MTDO Inc.

After being involved in household appliances and information equipment at Toshiba, then taking part in the startup period of REAL FLEET (amadana), a household appliances venture company, and being responsible for design management, he established MTDO Inc. Through research of corporate and organizational design and innovation, his specialty is "design management", overall design from concept creation to product development, across a wide range of industrial fields. A designer that carries our new value creation completely from start to finish, including branding, UX, product design, etc. Many works have received awards domestically and from overseas.

Miyuki Tamai

Miyuki Tamai


She plays an active part in design industry as a CMF designer, the CEO of FEEL GOOD CREATION INC. and a contract lecturer of Musashino Art University. After working in Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Ms Tamai has founded FEEL GOOD CREATION INC., the only Japanese company which specializes in CMF design. The company has been designing and providing consultation service for a variety of industries such as automobile, consumer electronics and interior. In order to help manufacturers widening their business, Ms Tamai has also founded "CMF Design Link", a business which mixes CMF thinking into manufacturing technology. The business holds a CMF exhibition "Ao-fes" annually.

Manabu Chiba

Manabu Chiba

Architect | Professor, Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, The University of Tokyo / Vice-President, The University of Tokyo

Holds Bachelor and Master of Architecture degrees from the University of Tokyo. Worked for Nihon Sekkei, Inc. and Factor N Associates prior to founding Chiba Manabu Architects in 2001. He became a Professor at The University of Tokyo in 2013. Assumed current post in 2016. Major works include “Japan Guide Dog Center” (AIJ Prize), “Otaki Town Hall” (2013 UNESCO Asia-Pacific Awards for Cultural Heritage Conservation-Awards of Merit) and “Kogakuin University 125th Memorial Education Center” (Murano Togo Prize). Author of “Rule of the site” “Design the place for people to meet ”and other books.

Yui Tezuka

Yui Tezuka

Architect | President, TEZUKA ARCHITECTS

Born in Kanagawa in 1969. Graduated from Musashi Institute of Technology in 1992. Studied at University College of London, Bartlett School of Architecture from 1992 to 1993. In 1994 Yui Tezuka established TEZUKA ARCHITECTS with Takaharu Tezuka. Part-time Lecturer at Toyo University since 1999. Part-time Lecturer at Tokai University since 2001. Visiting Professor at the University of California, Berkeley in 2006. Her major works include "Roof House" (18th Yoshioka Award), "Fuji Kindergarten" (Prize of AIJ), "Asahi Kindergarten" (Good Design Gold Award), "SORA no MORI CLINIC" (JIA Award), Author of "Takaharu + Yui Tezuka: Architecture Catalog (1 to 3)."

Ricca Tezuchi

Ricca Tezuchi

Product Designer | Director, PROPELLER DESIGN

Born in Chiba in 1971. After graduating from Kuwasawa Design School and working at Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. (now Panasonic Corporation) and IDEO Japan, Ricca Tezuchi established PROPELLER DESIGN in 2003. Part-time Lecturer of Kuwasawa Design School.

Masamichi Toyama

Masamichi Toyama

Businessman | CEO, Smiles Co., Ltd.

Born in Tokyo in 1962. Graduated from the Faculty of Business & Commerce, Keio University, and joined Mitsubishi Corporation in 1985. Founded Smiles Co., Ltd. in 2000 and became President and CEO. Currently operates three businesses, "Soup Stock Tokyo," "giraffe," "PASS THE BATON,""100spoons,""PAVILION."
Under the management philosophy of, “enrichment of value in daily life,” Toyama proposes new ways of living modern life beyond stereotypes or the boundaries of industry. His recent publications include “Deciding to Win” (Shinchosha Publishing, Co., Ltd.) and “Creating a Business Model to Do What You Want - Tracing the History of PASS THE BATON” (Koubundou Publishers Inc.).

Mari Tochizawa

Mari Tochizawa

Architect | Co-Founder, SALHOUSE Inc.

Completed the Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science in 1999. After working at Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop Co., Ltd., coestablished SALHAUS in 2008. Conducts architectural design and urban development activities, and representative works include "Rikuzentakata City Takata Higashi Junior High School", "Gunma Agricultural Technology Center", "tetto", "Ougiya Ryokan", "Azabu-Juban no Shugo-jutaku (housing complex)", etc. Awards received include the Architectural Institute of Japan's Annual Architectural Design Commendation, the Wood Design Award's top prize: the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Award, etc.

Dominique Chen

Dominique Chen

Information Studies Researcher | Associate Professor, School of Culture, Media and Society, Waseda University

Graduated from UCLA (media arts) and earned a Master and Ph.D. from the University of Tokyo, as a board member of NPO Commonsphere, he has been promoting the idea and system of "Creative Commons" in Japan since 2004. He was awarded the "Super Creator" title from IPA/METI. As an entrepreneur, he co-founded Dividual Inc, to develop human-centric web services and smartphone apps. Translator of the book called "Positive Computing" among others. Author of "Guidebook towards building a Free Culture". He was also a regular personality on NHK TV's NEWS WEB program April 2015 - March 2016.

Toshiharu Naka

Toshiharu Naka

Architect | President, Naka Arcthitects' Studio

Completed the Department of Architecture, Graduate School of Engineering, University of Tokyo in 2001. After working at Riken Yamamoto & Field Shop Co., Ltd., he established the Naka Architects' Studio in 2009. Design Assistant at Yokohama National University's Graduate School Y-GSA from 2009 to 2011 and Japan Pavilion exhibitor at the International Architecture Exhibition, Venice Biennale 2016. He designs buildings that focus on circulation. Representative works include "Apartment with a small restaurant" (Architectural Institute of Japan's Young Architects Award, Yoshioka Award), "Villa in Hakuba" (JIA Sustainable Architecture Award Second Prize).

Kazufumi Nagai

Kazufumi Nagai

Creative Director | President, HAKUHODO DESIGN / Professor, Tama Art University

He joined Hakuhodo in 1985, after graduated from Tama Art University, and established HAKUHODO DESIGN in 2003. He has won numerous awards both in Japan and internationally, including the Mainichi Design Award, the Creator of the Year award, and the ADC Grand Prize.

Sosuke Nakabo

Sosuke Nakabo

Product Designer | Representative, Sosuke Nakabo Design Office / Associate Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology

Born in Kyoto in 1972. Graduated from the Product Design course of Kyoto City University of Arts in 1998. After working at Matsushita Refrigeration Company Design Center, he went to the UK and finished his master’s degree program in Design Products at the Royal College of Art in 2002. He worked at Ryohin Keikaku Planning and Design Office and Jasper Morrison's London office, before establishing Sosuke Nakabo Design Office in 2010. An Associate Professor at the Graduate School of Kyoto Institute of Technology, Architecture and Design Program.

Kenta Nakamura

Kenta Nakamura

Businessman / Editor | CEO, Shigotohito Inc.

Born in 1979 in Tokyo. Graduated from the Meiji University Graduate School, majoring in Architecture. Planning and management of "Nihon Shigoto Hyakka", a recruitment website for people who work the way they live. Director of the "Shigoto (Job) Department, Shibuya University", "Shigotohito Bunko", "Michinoku Shigoto" and supervised the planning and design of "Little Tokyo" and "Shigoto Bar" in Kiyosumi-shirakawa. Representative of "Popcorn", a service allowing anyone to create their own movie theater, that was started in 2016. Wrote "Shigoto to Hito no Ma wo Kangaeru" (Shigotohito Bunko).

Susumu Namikawa

Susumu Namikawa

Creative Director | Co-Chief Creative Officer, Dentsu Digital Inc.

Undertook many projects on social agenda such as "Global Handwashing Day Project" by UNICEF, and also the experimental trial of new structure of society such as "WITHOUT MONEY SALE", EC site in which you cannot buy something with money. Books: "Social Design - How to produce a project making a difference to the society" (KIRAKUSHA, Inc.), "Communication Shift – From Producing Goods to Producing a Better Society" (Hatori Press, Inc.) and many others Speaker: TEDxTokyo Teachers 2015

Osamu Nishida

Osamu Nishida

Architect | ondesign

Born in 1976. He is the principal architect of ondesign co., ltd., which designs "open and objective" architecture in various type of buildings, using their unique method to communicate with users to enhance the creativity. His representative work includes "Yokohama Apartment" (JIA rookie of the year award and the special jury mention at Venice Biennale (special entry at Japan Pavilion)), "ISHINOMAKI 2.0" (Good Design Special Award - Disaster Recovery Design and Community Recovery Award - Special Award) and "Ikikuni Learning Center" which is a base of learning in Ama-cho, Shimane prefecture. He is the author of "Kenchiku o hiraku (Open the architecture)".

Noriko Hashida

Noriko Hashida

Product Designer | Professor, Dept. Engineering and Design , Shibaura Institute of Technology

After graduating from the Department of Design, Tokyo University of the Arts, joined the TOTO Ltd. Design Center where she designed toilets, faucets, kitchen, and system baths, and became Design Director in 2005. Assumed the post of Professor at Shibaura Institute of Technology in 2008. In addition to household equipment, she has designed office furniture and living ware, and also promoted local industries, making proposals for new uses which fit with the times.

Eiji Hato

Eiji Hato

Urban Research Engineer | Professor, The University of Tokyo

After graduating from Hiroshima University, a visiting scientist at MIT, a visiting research fellow at University of Leeds, and visiting professor at UC Santa Barbara. Established TransField Inc. in 2002. His works include the development of probe person systems and the bicycle share system, "porocle" in Sapporo, and the design of Cooperative Forest OWASE and new Nagasaki Station. Winner of the WCTRS Prize and other awards.

Nobuyuki Hayashi

Nobuyuki Hayashi

Journalist / Consultant

A freelance journalist focusing on social impact of information technology and reporting them on various Japanese media outlets; also known for actively reporting Japanese tech culture on various foreign media. Served as a consultant to several communication companies. Have been serving as judge for James Dyson Award since 2013. Author of "iPad Shock" and more than a dozen other books.

Chiaki Hayashi

Chiaki Hayashi

Project Manager | Co-Founder, Loftwork, Inc.

Chiaki heads Loftwork, a creative agency, which rolls out 200 projects annually. The agency operates multiple services: “loftwork.com”, an online network of over 20,000 creators, “FabCafe”, a digital manufacturing cafe, and “MTRL”, a creative space for creators. Chiaki also serves as the Japan Liaison to the Director of MIT Media Lab, and CEO of Hidakuma. Hidakuma is a new form of public-private joint enterprise, which aims to create regional industries through traditional techniques and forest regeneration.

Kenya Hara

Kenya Hara

Designer | President, Hara Design Institute, Nippon Design Center, Inc.

Born in 1958. Designer. President, the Nippon Design Center, Inc. Professor, Musashino Art University. Emphasizes the design of both objects and experiences. Has been in charge of art direction for Muji since 2002. Has produced numerous exhibitions featuring concepts like “RE-DESIGN,” “HAPTIC” and “SENSEWARE, to continually renew our sense of values. His recent publications include “Designing Design” and “White.” “White” has been translated into several other languages and gained many readers.

Yuma Harada

Yuma Harada

Art Director / Designer | Representative, UMA /design farm

CEO of UMA/design farm. Visiting Professor at Kyoto University of Art & Design, Department of Spatial Design. Born in Osaka in 1979. Based in Osaka, Yuma Harada works on design through continued dialogues and experiments focusing on "Think Together, Make Together" as regards projects on culture, welfare, education and community. She aims to visualize philosophy and to create new experiences through graphics, books, space, exhibitions, planning and development. Director of DESIGNEAST and Shodo Island Hishionosato+Sakate Port Project.

Naoko Hirota

Naoko Hirota

Design Director | Managing Director, Hirota Design Studio

Graduated from the Department of Design, Tokyo University of the Arts. After working at GK Planning and Design, she established the Hirota Design Studio. She directs total solutions from designing business models to developing products. Received the Red Dot Award 2015, Red Dot Award 2016, iF Design Award, etc.

Takayuki Fukatsu

Takayuki Fukatsu

Interaction Designer | CEO, THE GUILD

Interactive designer. After working at tha Ltd., he played an active part in the Flash community. After starting his own business in 2009, he shifted his main activities to UI design for smartphone applications and established Art&Mobile Co., Ltd. and THE GUILD, a creative alliance. He supervised the basic design of the application for Nikkei Shimbun's digital edition and advised on the smartphone UI for minne, Japan's largest handicraft market. He is also extremely active with writing and lecturing.

Keiichiro Fujisaki

Keiichiro Fujisaki

Design Critique / Editor | Professor, Department of Design, Faculty of Fine Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts

Born in 1963. After working as the chief editor for the "Designers' Workshop" magazine, Keiichiro Fujisaki got involved in writing articles, and editing magazines and books regarding design as a freelancer. Author of "Do Not Design," covering the advertising firm Draft. Recently he edited a book called "T5: Front Line of Book Design in Taiwan." Associate Professor since 2010 and Professor since 2016 at Tokyo University of the Arts, Faculty of Fine Arts, Department of Design.

Taiji Fujimori

Taiji Fujimori

Furniture Designer | CEO, TAIJI FUJIMORI ATELIER Inc.

After graduating from Tokyo Zokei University (Department of Design) in 1991, he studied under furniture designer Teruaki Ohashi. He joined the Itsuko Hasegawa Atelier (Architectural Planning Studio) in 1992, and then established TAIJI FUJIMORI ATELIER in 1999. He specializes in furniture design and is actively engaged in interior/product design projects and works in collaboration with various architects. He also serves as a lecturer at the KUWASAWA Design School, Musashino Art University, Tama Art University and The University of Tokyo.

Mitsunobu Hozumi

Mitsunobu Hozumi

Product Designer | President, Hozmi Design

Completed Graduate School at Kyoto City University of Arts. After working at the Head Office Design Department of Misawa Homes Co., Ltd., he established Hozmi Design. Involved with developing common products, industrial equipment, housing equipment, building components, furniture for public spaces, and local industry. Awards received include the iF Design Gold Award, IDEA Gold Award, Red Dot Design Award, German Design Award Special Award, Good Design Special Award, etc.

Yuji Hoshino

Yuji Hoshino

Engineer Architect | Associate Proffesor, Graduate School of Science and Technology, Kumamoto University

Born in 1971. Graduated from the school of engineering, the University of Tokyo. After working for APL associates, Inc. Currently Associate Professor at Kumamoto University. Publications include "Understanding and Building Landscape". Recipient of some awards, including " The best paper of the year by a young researcher" from Japan Society of Civil Engineers, Good Design Award 2012 Sustainable Award.

Hiroko Matsumoto

Hiroko Matsumoto

Product Designer | Professor/Head of Department, Joshibi University of Art and Design

As Designer and Design Director at the Toshiba Design Center, she undertook the design of many products and mechanisms, such as household appliances, audiovisual equipment, healthcare, etc. Received many awards domestically and from overseas, including the Good Design Gold Award, iF Gold Award, and Red Dot Design Award Gold Award, etc. Currently, Head of the Product Design Department, Joshibi University of Art and Design. Involved in many regional and academia-industry collaboration projects, she solves problems for the community and for corporations through the design of "objects and conceptual embodiments".

Tsuyoshi Matsuyama

Tsuyoshi Matsuyama

Corporate Manager | President, MARKS & WEB Co., Ltd.

Born in Tokyo in 1964. Graduated from Keio University in 1986 with a degree in Economics. In 1994, following his career at Hakuhodo Inc. and Mitsubishi Corporation, he joined his family’s business, formerly Matsuyama General Partnership Company, and became president in 2000. He also became president of MARKS & WEB CO., LTD. which he established in December of the same year. MARKS & WEB operates 78 retail stores nationwide at present. Matsuyama served as a member of Sumida Brand Strategy Promotion Exploratory Committee and currently a member of Yamanashi “Water” Brand Strategy Advisory Conference.

Katsuo Mizuguchi

Katsuo Mizuguchi

Art Director | President, Hotchkiss Inc.

Graduated from the Kanazawa College of Art. After working at Dentsu Inc., he participated in the establishment of Shingata Inc. in 2003. He started up Hotchkiss Co., Ltd. in 2012. He undertakes art direction for various brands, which includes advertisements, graphic designs, package designs etc. He also manages "Books under Hotchkiss", a book store gallery in Kanazawa. He wrote "A Model for Art Direction -30 Rules for Designs That Convey-" (Seibundo Shinkosha) and "Mr. Mizumaru Anzai, Teach Me Design! -Mizumaru Anzai Format Research Society-" (Hotchkiss).

Kazushige Miyake

Kazushige Miyake

Designer | CEO, miyake design co., ltd.

Born in Hyogo Prefecture in 1973. Established miyake design in 2005. Designs a wide range of items, from home electrical appliances and furniture to household sundries and traditional Japanese products for companies both domestically and overseas. He is a part-time lecturer at Tama Art University.

Mitsuhiro Miyazaki

Mitsuhiro Miyazaki

Art Director | Managing Director, Design Dept., AXIS Inc.

Born in Tokyo in 1957. Director, AXIS Inc. Professor, Department of Information Design, Tama Art University. Director, NPO “Think the Earth Project.” Miyazaki provides art direction for the design magazine, “AXIS,” and also serves as Director, unifying the Design Division of AXIS Inc. to perform branding and design development for various corporations and organizations. His recent major works have included planning the exhibition, “Kome – The Art of Rice” at 21_21DESIGN SIGHT and production of the official book for the UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction.

Tamotsu Murakami

Tamotsu Murakami

Design Engineering Researcher | Professor, Department of Mechanical Engineering, The University of Tokyo

Graduated from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1984, and the Department of Industrial Mechanical Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, the University of Tokyo in 1989. Doctor of Engineering. In English, the term, “design” is used for both engineering design and industrial design. Murakami’s areas of expertise are research and education on the mathematical methods and software/hardware technology that assist designers and give full scope to their originality and diversity to design (design by human) and create products that can provide new values to meet the users' needs, sensibilities and diversity (design for human).

Masayuki Moriguchi

Masayuki Moriguchi

Mobility Journalist | CEO, MOBILICITY Co., Ltd.

Gathers information on traffic conditions at home and abroad for magazine, radio and Internet presentations, and lectures. Also works as a reserch and consulting to provide solutions to mobility related problems. Selection comitee member of Car of the Year Japan. Publications include "A Challenge to Environmental Society in Paris," "Transportation Revolution from Toyama," and "Think Tokyo Mobility."

Koichi Yasuda

Koichi Yasuda

Architect | Principal, Yasuda Atelier / Professor, Tokyo Institute of Technology

POLA Museum of Art/Togo Murano Award 2003, The Prize of Architectural Institute of Japan 2004, Tokyo Institute of Technology Midorigaoka#1Building Retrofit/Good Design Gold Award 2007,Annual architectual Design commendations of AIJ 2009,TOTO Restroom Item 01/Good Design Gold Award 2009,Tokyo Zokei University CS Plaza/BCS Award 2012,Tokyo Institute of Technology Library/BCS Award 2013,Annual architectural Design commendations of AIJ 2013

Teruhiro Yanagihara

Teruhiro Yanagihara

Designer | CEO, ISOLATION UNIT/ Co., Ltd.

Since the establishment of his own office, Teruhiro Yanagihara has been involved in various projects worldwide, working across national borders, culture and categories as a designer.

Ryo Yamazaki

Ryo Yamazaki

Community Designer | CEO, studio-L, Inc.

Born in Aichi in 1973. Graduated from the graduate school of Osaka Prefectural University and the graduate school of the University of Tokyo. Received PhD in engineering. After working at Architecture and Landscape Design Office, Ryo Yamazaki established studio-L in 2005. He is involved in community design helping local people to solve local problems. He has a number of projects related to community development workshops, including general planning creation with resident participation and grass-roots park management. He has won awards including the Kids Design Award for "Parent-and-Baby Notebook." Author of "Community Design" (awarded by the Real Estate Companies Association).

Hideo Yamamoto

Hideo Yamamoto

Product Designer | President, Ottimo Design Co., Ltd.

After graduating from Tama Art University and working at Yamaha Corporation Design Laboratory and Apex, Hideo Yamamoto established Ottimo Design Co., Ltd. in 1989. He is involved in product design for things such as commodities, furniture, household equipment and medical equipment, and space design such as signage plans and public furniture.
His major works include restrooms of the Marunouchi Building, product design for Muji, SKYLUX CRYSTAL surgical lighting equipment, Uniline medical gas supply facility and signage plans for the Marunouchi area. Currently Part-time Lecturer at Tama Art University.

Ryutaro Yoshida

Ryutaro Yoshida

Interior Product Producer | Managing Director, PRESTIGE JAPAN Inc.

Manages Time & Style, an interior furnishings company, stores, and factories (stores in Tokyo Midtown, Isetan Shinjuku, Futako-Tamagawa, Hankyu Department Store's main store in Osaka, and Minami-Aoyama) (showrooms in Amsterdam and Shanghai) (factories in Asahikawa, Hokkaido).

Hiroaki Watanabe

Hiroaki Watanabe

Industrial Designer | President, Plane Co., Ltd.

Industrial designer. After graduating from Kuwasawa Design School and working at Richo Company, Ltd., Hiroaki Watanabe moved to the U.S., where he was involved in the design of various industrial products as a senior designer at frog design and Ziba Design. After returning to Japan he established Plane co., ltd. He has been involved in manufacturing in different areas both in Japan and internationally, mainly in the field of industrial design. He is also a Part-time Lecturer at Tama Art University.

Aaron Nieh

Aaron Nieh

Graphic Designer | Principal, Aaron Nieh Workshop

He completed his BA from Taiwan University of Science and Technology and was once enrolled in the Graduate School at Taiwan University of Arts. He deals with details subtly, yet his visual presentation is highly provocative and ambitious. He has brought novel imagination and shaped a new landscape in the Mandarin Pop Music industry, as well as publishing and performing arts. He is highly skilled and yet gracefully owning control over all imagery, symbols and materials, that he has crafted a new perspective for the audience to watch and understand graphic design. He has been an AGI member since 2012 and currently runs his own design company Aaron Nieh Workshop.

Andrew Pang

Andrew Pang

Product Designer | President, Design Business Chamber Singapore

Founder of business design consultancy Lavaworks, also manages Egg Creatives – an integrated design agency with presence in Singapore and China. Backed by a mix of design flair, commercial acumen and analytical skills, he is well regarded among his peers as an influential thought leader. A strong advocate of the local design industry, he played an active role in the Singapore Furniture Industries Council (SFIC) and was the Vice-Chairman of the Design Advisory Committee from 2007 to 2014. During that time, he conceived and co-chaired SingaPlural – the anchor event of Singapore Design Week.

Byung-wook Chin

Byung-wook Chin

Industrial Designer | Professor, Dept. of Convergence and Integration, Hansung University

BA in Industrial Design of Dong-A University in 1988. MA (2012) and En.Dr (2016) in Industrial Design of Hongik University Graduate School. From 1987 to 2009, worked as Managing Director of Samsung camera Industrial design team. And Worked as Vice President for Samsung Digital Imaging Company from 2009 to 2010. From 2010 to 2014, worked as Vice President of Samsung Electronics Mobile Division. From 2015 to present, work as professor at Hansung University. Also, from2012 to 2013, worked as Vice chairman of Industrila Design Society. From 2014 to present, work as Vice chairman of KAID (Korea Association of Industrial Designers).

Carl Liu

Carl Liu

Industrial Designer | Vice President, Niu Technologies Inc.

He is the founder of brand CARLLIU which is dedicated on creating quality sustainable lifestyle objects for everyday usage. He is currently working as the Design VP of Niu Technologies in Shanghai China. His signature designs included Compaq iPaq PDA, Nike running watch Triax 300 and Triax 50. These products had won international awards like G-Mark, IDSA and I.D Magazine. He has published two design books Carl Liu Design Book and Innovative Product Design Practice since 2005. Prior to that, he worked at BMW Designworks, Ideadao Design, Walt Disney, Intel, Motorola and Astro Studios.

Gary Chang

Gary Chang

Architectural and Interior Designer | Managing Director, EDGE Design Institute Ltd.

Born in Hong Kong, he graduated from The University of Hong Kong in 1987 and founded his company EDGE in 1994. Since then, he has demonstrated his keen artistic visions through his numerous award-winning designs, keynote lectures and literary works. These include such notable works as the Suitcase House in Beijing, his Kung-fu tea-set for ALESSI, his book "Hotel as Home".

Hrridaysh Deshpande

Hrridaysh Deshpande

Design Educator / Consultant | Consultant Advisor, India Design Council

He has been in the field of education for over 20 years. Presently, he is the member of Governing Body of Ajeenkya DY Patil University and is the Director of DYPDC School of Design and DYPWWI School of Film and Media. He is associated with the India Design Council (IDC) works as its consultant advisor. Under the aegis of IDC he is spearheading the India Design Mark program. He is the member of CII National Committee on Design. Earlier, he founded Creative-i College, in 2004 one of India’s first private initiatives in the field of Design Education. He focuses on structured innovation practices for organizational innovation via appropriate tools, methods and processes. He is an experienced, enthusiastic, and energetic educator and innovation facilitator.

Hui Ming Tong

Hui Ming Tong

Industrial Designer | Professor, School of Innovation Design, Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts (China)

Born in 1955. He is also the vice-chairman of Guangdong Industrial Design Association (GDIDA), and a member of Industrial design Council, Chinese Fine Arts Association (CFAA). He has served as Chairman of jury council of Guangdong Governor Cup Industrial Design Award, jury member of China Red Star Award, and Chairman of KAPAK Design Award in Guangzhou International Design Week. As first-generation industrial designer in China, he began his career in 1977 working as a tableware designer at a porcelain company in Shandong, China. He founded INTEONE, a new BDD brand in Guangzhou in 2015.

Juhyun Eune

Juhyun Eune

Media Designer | Vice Dean & Professor, Director of Intermedia Lab, Seoul National University

Co-founder of DESIS Network Korea (Design for Social Innovation and Sustainability), where she uses Infographics to draw attention to, and change the behavior of people towards, heavy issues like the environment, minorities, the disabled, aging, and those affecting children. She has filled a vice president of the Academy of Creativity, DCSK (Design Convergence Society of Korea), KIDM (Korea Institute of Design Management) and KIPFA. She was a chief co-organizer of HCI Korea 2009 and organizing committee of IASDR 2009.

Jung-Ya Hsieh

Jung-Ya Hsieh

Inventor | Chairman, SquareX, GIXIA Group, THAT Inventions Co.

Jung-Ya Hsieh, the founder of GIXIA Group, THAT inventions and SquareX, is the most awarded designer in the Greater China area. Hsieh and his team have elevated the design values of Taiwan by integrating advanced technologies from various industries into the field of design. He has won 112 international design awards, 9 of which are top honors from iF, Reddot, G-Mark and IDEA. Jung-Ya Hsieh is making unprecedented success among Chinese designers and his contemporaries.

Puvanai Dardarananda

Puvanai Dardarananda

Industrial Designer | Associate Professor, Head of Industrial Design Department, Department of Industrial Design, Chulalongkorn University

He has been teaching at the department of Industrial Design Chulalongkorn University since 1999 and become head of the department in 2014. He also co-founded the CommDe BA International Program in Communication Design and held the Chairman of the program ever since. He also works as a creative director for Digitopolis Co., Ltd.

Sertaç Ersayın

Sertaç Ersayın


Graduated from the Department of Industrial Design, 4 years study of Middle East Technical University of Ankara in 1988. He also graduated from Strategic Marketing, 2 years study from Koc University of Istanbul in 2007. After working as Industrial Design Director at Koc Holding Group of Companies which is in Fortune 200, he went to Hong Kong and China as Far East Director of a HK based JV Company, manufacturing in Southern China. He worked as CDO and VP Design and Innovation at Kale Group of Companies, one of the largest global companies of sanitaryware, total bathroom, bathroom furniture and ceramic covering materials manufacturing in Turkey and Italy. He is now developing strategies and product portfolios for global brands at his own company in Istanbul. He has 29 international design awards. He served for as a juror at hundreds of International Design Competitions of different design fields such as IF Design Award, Design Management Europe, American Architectural Award, Palermo Design Week, Design Turkey etc. His product expertises are on furniture, public space, white goods, heaters, bathroom products, tiles, covering materials and household appliances design.

Shu-Chang Kung

Shu-Chang Kung

Architect / Interior Designer | Chairman, Chinese Society of Interior Designers (CSID)

After he received M.Arch (1992) and M.Des. (1993) from GSD, Harvard University,USA, in 1997 he established AURA Architects & Associates in Taipei. Currently he is the associate professor & director at the Graduate Institute of Architecture, NCTU, Taiwan, and the chairman of Board, Chinese Association of Interior Designers (CSID). His recent works received many awards - The Special Jury Award of TID Award (2007/ 2008/ 2009), iF Communication Design Award (2007), Far Eastern Architectural Design Award (2003/2005), Taiwan Architecture Award (2004/2006/2008), JCD Design Award, Japan (2004/2006).