Outline of Good Design Award winners

2018 | Project Outline

The Judging Committee for the 2018 Good Design Award was newly headed by Ms. Fumie Shibata as the Chair and Mr. Seiichi Saito as the Vice Chair. At the beginning of the screening process, the judges were advised to be aware how those considerations for people are transformed into beautiful designs with high aspirations. And the policy is demonstrated to find out high quality solution by design actively through the screening.

Our Ideals
HUMANITYthe creativity that guides the making of things
HONESTYthe ability to clearly see the nature of modern society
INNOVATIONthe vision to open up the future
ESTHETICSthe imagination to evoke a rich life and culture
ETHICSthe thoughtfulness to shape society and the environment

Screening perspectives

Human perspective

  • Whether due considerations, including usability, understandability, and friendliness, etc., are given to users
  • Whether various considerations, including safety, security, environment, physically weak persons, etc., are given to maintain the credibility
  • Whether the design gains sympathy of users
  • Whether the design has attractiveness and induces users' creativity

Industrial perspective

  • Whether issues are skillfully solved by using new technology and materials or through creativity
  • Whether the item is reasonably designed or planned with appropriate technology, method, and quality
  • Whether the item contributes to the creation of new industry or business

Social perspective

  • Whether the item contributes to the creation of new culture, such as a new method, lifestyle, communication, etc.
  • Whether the item contributes to the realization of the sustainable society
  • Whether the item suggests new value, such as a new method, concept, style, etc. to society

Time perspective

  • Whether the item puts past contexts and accumulated achievements to propose new value.
  • Whether the item proposes a highly sustainable solution from medium- and long-term perspectives.
  • Whether the item represents continual improvements in accordance with the times.

Project Policies for This Year

Under the screening policy above mentioned, The Good Design Award 2018 was executed to aim to augment the value of the award and return it to the society, reinforcing "Discover", "Share" and "Innovation" cycle.
Below is a summary of the improvements.

Review the screening process and Special Awards definitions
To clarify the position of BEST100 winners as the candidates for special awards, they are requested to participate in the "BEST100 presentation screening panel" as the final process of the screening. Special Awards screening panel will be held after the presentations and select Special Award winners and the Finalists for Grand Award.
Each theme of Special Awards were also reviewed and renamed as "Good Focus Award" to represent the theme clearly.

Discovering superior design and enriching solid evaluation process
To enhance the "Discover" process of Good Design Award, organizer searched cutting edge and superior designs and encourage them for entry, consulting with jury members, or explored other design award winners in and out of Japan.
Also, for further understanding of the cutting edge technology background of the design, special screening process such as individual presentation session was executed.

Establishment of human resource development program by Good Design Award
Good Design Award is a treasure house of rich archive with more than 60 years and learning opportunity of front line design each year through the screening process. To exploit and return this asset to the society, we established internship program as the assistant of judges for the students in design faculties.
Also, we formed working gro

Good Design Award 2018 Schedule

Good Design Award Application period (April 4 - May 23)

1st Screening (May 31 - June 26)
Entries were divided into screening units and judging was executed.

Results notification of the 1st screening (June 27)

2nd Screening (July 5 - September 4)
Held at Makuhari Messe and overseas.
ASEAN Design Selection (in cooperation with ASEAN-JAPAN CENTRE) screening was also held during this period and selected the BEST100 candidates.

2nd Screening (Venue: Makuhari Messe Hall 9-11) (July 31 - August 2)
For subjects who passed the 1st screening, we conducted a secondary screening using the actual products, panel or other documents. Day 1&3 was closed door, and Day 2 was conducted the "Interactive hearing". Based on the cooperation with Thailand, India, Singapore and Turkey, the responsible unit conducted the screening. Recommended "GOOD DESIGN BEST 100" candidate from each unit which juries selected was inspected by juries: Chai, Vice-Chair, Unit Leaders of all units, and Focus Issue Directors.

2nd screening in Taiwan (August 7 - 9)
The screening was for entries from Taiwan. Also conducted the interactive hearing and selected the BEST 100 candidates.

2nd screening in Korea (August 9 - 10)
Cooperated with Korea Institute of Design Promotion, the screening was for entries from Korea. Also conducted the interactive hearing and selected the BEST 100 candidates.

2nd screening in Hong Kong (August 15 - 17)
The screening was for entries from China Mainland and Hong Kong. Also conducted the interactive hearing and selected the BEST 100 candidates.

Good Design Award and BEST 100 Board (August 22)
The Judging Committee Chair, Vice Chair and respective Unit Leaders confirmed the outcomes of the Second Screening. This was followed by deliberations by the Judging Committee Chair, Vice Chair, respective Unit Leaders and Focus Issue Directors, in which the Good Design Best 100 were chosen from the candidates nominated by the respective units.

Results notification of 2nd screening (September 5)
With regard to the Good Design Award and the Good Design Best 100, screening results were notified through the entry site.

Announcement of the award results (October 3)
The 2018 Good Design Award winners and the Good Design Best 100 winners were announced.

My Favorite Design 2018 Exhibition (October 3 – November 4 at GOOD DESIGN MARUNOUCHI)
My Favorite Design 2018 Exhibition

Good Design Special Award Panel (October 10)
Good Design BEST100 presentation screening panel

GOOD DESIGN EXHIBITION 2018 (October 31 - November 4 at Tokyo Midtown)

Good Design Award ceremony & Grand Award selection (October 31)

Announcement of the Good Design Special Awards (October 31)

Yearbook "GOOD DESIGN AWARD 2018" Publish (March 2019)

Message from Chair(April 15, 2018)

Welcome to Good Design Award 2018.
Design plays an integral part of our life and introduces to us new lifestyles of the future. In all ages, every person needs design - tangible or intangible - for the richness of the mind.
More and more people are trying their hands at design these days. Some wants to improve what already exists, others wish to resolve the challenges of the world and still others try to open up possibilities of completely new design. From different standpoints, they see hopes in design, and an increasing number of people are tackling "things that can be transformed by design."
In designs brought about in such ways are consideration and ideals for us "people," and a variety of richness that can only be brought about by design.
Good Design Award looks at how those considerations for people are transformed into beautiful designs with high aspirations. We strive to find designs that enrich our daily life, portray with distinctive power the unknown and bring about new stories to us, and to convey their values through the framework of Good Design Award.

Fumie Shibata

Fumie Shibata
Chair of Good Design Award 2018

Seiichi Saito

Seiichi Saito
Vice Chair of Good Design Award 2018